Business mailing lists and sales leads

Find the right prospects with targeted business mailing lists

Maximize your direct mail and telemarketing efforts with quality sales leads from the industry’s largest business-to-business mailing list database.

Build a business list

Easily pinpoint the business leads most likely to buy your products or services.

Target prospects by:

  • Location (area code, city, county, MSA, state, zip code)
  • Industry type (SIC and NAICS codes)
  • Demographics (company size, number of employees, location type, years in business and more)
  • Experian Credit Score (minimize risk by focusing on leads that have good credit and pay on time)

You’ll get FREE real-time counts on qualified prospects and you can instantly purchase your leads.

Unparalleled Information

You’ll have access an extensive database of geographic, demographic, and financial data that’s unequaled in the industry, including:

  • Information on over 17 million businesses
  • Nearly 200,000 new businesses added each month

Sources for our business mailing lists include national business white and yellow pages, state and federal public records, secretary of state records and hundreds of vendors.

Accurate and Up-to-Date leads

We constantly update and verify our information to ensure that your business mailing lists always contain the most current, most deliverable addresses and responsive phone numbers available. For more information call, 1 800 509 5604.